Do you know how the skin can be effectively anti-aging?

Do you know how the skin can be effectively anti-aging?

Do you know how the skin can be effectively anti-aging?

Internal conditioning:
Exercise, regular work and rest (reduce staying up late), focus on a healthy diet (less oil and sugar, avoid overeating, eat more fruits and vegetables)
External conditioning:
  • 1. Clean the skin and wash the face effectively

Improper cleaning can cause great damage to the skin. Excess oil and residual makeup can easily block our pores, and various blackheads and acne will also occur.


  • 2. Pay attention to sun protection

If you want good skin, sunscreen is essential. The bigger role of sunscreen is to prevent ultraviolet rays, which are very harmful to the skin, not only making the skin darker, but also accelerating the aging of the skin. In addition to applying sunscreen, you should also do physical sun protection, such as sunscreen umbrellas, sunscreen umbrellas, etc.

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